Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Adjustable Desk

For a D&AD brief we were asked to design a working table, surface, desk or tablet-like scenario for young students aged between Seven and Seventeen year olds. The design must use 80% Kronospan wood

We focused on 8 year olds that are taught in one classroom. These classrooms have to function as maths and english rooms as well as creative art and crafts

We found that:

Floor Height is ideal for group work and mind-mapping - 'an infinite surface'
Seating Height is ideal for drawing and writing - 'focused working'
Standing Height is ideal for making - 'free movement'

We wanted to make an 'adjustable surface that moves from floor level to sitting to standing level'
Heres a stop motion video of our concept -

D&AD Adjustable Desk Concept from Charles Dedman on Vimeo.

Here are the visuals: